HebrewFest ’24

HebrewFest began in the summer of 2023 as a gathering for praising and worshipping the Most High YHWH. This is an opportunity for followers of the Messiah who also believe in the importance of keeping the commandments to come together as one, despite our many small differences. Live music will be on 6/20, 6/21, 6/22,

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Outreach Louisville: The Bread of Life & Bread for the Bellies

It is an honor for Great Awakening International to be partnering with Yahs Healing Ministry, Moreh Beniayah Ben Yisrael, ShatariYah Bhat Yisrael, and their beautiful family working in solidarity with YAHUAH to provide a massive outreach in the Louisville, KY area during Passover 2024. This massive outreach to the Louisville community will include: SEMI-TRUCKS OF FOOD FEEDING THE HOMELESS

Outreach Louisville: The Bread of Life & Bread for the Bellies Read More »

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