Album Info
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Featured Artists on Album
Derek Minor, Dwayne Fyah
Track Listing (Songs on the Album)
1. Come git me
2. Levees
3. Warning Shots
4. I felt that (Feat. Derek Minor)
5. Sinful remission
6. Hangmen
7. mARKS (Feat. Dwayne Fyah)
8. The Just
9. Street Dreams
10. Glitchy
11. Profitcy
2. Levees
3. Warning Shots
4. I felt that (Feat. Derek Minor)
5. Sinful remission
6. Hangmen
7. mARKS (Feat. Dwayne Fyah)
8. The Just
9. Street Dreams
10. Glitchy
11. Profitcy
Album Release Date
July 17, 2020
gospel rap, hip-hop, christian
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