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Album Info

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Featured Artists on Album
Yahusha Yisra'el | Malachi Ben Yashar'El | Yom | TraneYah | Emah AmalYah | J. Lutch | Emanon Yarsharahla
Track Listing (Songs on the Album)
1. Woes (feat. Yahusha Yisra'el) 2. Prophets & Seers (feat. Malachi Ben Yashar'El) 3. When the Shofar Blows 4. Set-Apart People 5. Hide Me (The Rock) 6. Redemption Love 7. I Hope in Yah 8. Sweet Shalom (feat. Yom) 9. When Yah Speaks 10. Praise Your Name (feat. TraneYah) 11. Send Your Ruach 12. Yahuah Is Good Interlude (feat. Emah AmalYah) 13. Living Waters... Flow 14. My Heart's Feeling Kinda Heavy (feat. J. Lutch) 15. Esteem of Yah 16. Unchanging Love (feat. Emanon Yarsharahla) 17. Cleanse My Heart 18. Return 2 Da Covenant
Album Release Date
September 3, 2021

The Ramp Up… Singing Yah a New Song 0 reviews

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