
Hebrew Israelite Radio Network



Shalom/Shalum/Shalawam to the 12 tribes, worldwide…ALL praises and glory to the Most High Yah! We welcome you to mrhebrew1.com, the Hebrew Israelite Radio Network and Community. This is a community of scriptural based servants of the Most High YHWH and followers of our Holy Messiah, Yahushua.

Our purpose is to better ourselves through understanding the word and reaching out to the remnant of the true house of Yisra’el. I am your brother and we are in this walk together. This aint no easy walk you Hebrews, but we must do our best to be pleasing to the Most High Yah.

We are here to fellowship and answer any questions you may have so be sure to post in the Israelite discussion area and join our Hebrew community ran by us, for us. Join our worldwide Hebrew Israelite lessons on Shabbat night at 9:00pm central standard time and our live broadcast on Sunday morning at 7:00am central standard time.

We will also be broadcasting throughout the week at various times as well. You can subscribe to our mailing list for updates on the broadcasts, news, feast days and other stuff.


  • The Bible is the Official Word of YHWH
  • Both Old and New Testaments are valid and relevant today as well as the Apocrypha
  • Our holy Messiah, Yahushua, is the son of the Most High
  • We are the Children of Israel scattered throughout the four corners of the earth
  • We are living out the curses of Deuteronomy 28
  • We Must keep the laws, statutes and commandments of the Most High!!


DJ Name
Brother Jacob, and Brother Daniel Solomon
Show Schedule
Every Sunday Morning at 7:00 AM CST

Disclaimer & Friendly Reminder: While this website, YahudahLiving.com, is called to compile resources for Yashrael, it is your responsibility to vet everything (Acts 17:11). Study to show yourself approved (2 Timothy 2:15)! Be gentle as doves but wise as serpents (Matthew 10:16). The owners of this website do not necessarily agree 100% with the resources or shops listed.

©2022 Yahudah Living: Resources for Yashrael

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