Your Ultimate Self-Paced Bible Reading Guide


More Details...

your full potential of Bible reading with Your Ultimate Self-Paced Bible
Reading Guide
. Experience deeper understanding and connection with
Scripture with the following benefits and features:

A chart of Old and New Testament references, with
space for your own additions

References from the Authorized King James Version,
the Brenton (Septuagint), and the Masoretic Text

Ample date spacing for self-paced completion

Understanding weights and measures with a helpful

Knowledge of the watches and hours with a chart
explaining their significance

A timeline for a better understanding of Biblical

The Biblical Calendar, listing Civil and Holy

A condensed form of Septuagint quotes in the New

The Harmony of the Gospels for a deeper
understanding of Messiah’s life and ministry


As a co-laborer and servant of Messiah and as a believer in the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
founded Compassionate Soul Care Ministry, a
counseling and coaching service ministry. Ms. Foster
believes resting in Messiah is at the heart of
having a healthy
spiritual life.
received redemption through salvation has instilled in her a love for helping
others achieve spiritual health.
It is from
this place that Compassionate Soul Ministry began. Ms. Foster has worked with
children and families, addictions, grief, marriage, depression, anxiety, and
other brokenness where her beliefs is that the Bible, with the help of the Holy
Spirit holds the keys for healing. Ms. Foster holds master’s degrees in Social
Work, Divinity, and Pastoral Counseling. She is currently pursuing Bible
Counseling certification.

Ms. Foster can be reached at:




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